Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Montana Cowgirl, shame on you

Well I knew it would come eventually. One of the main reasons I opened this blog. I knew eventually I would get the chance to put the liberal loud mouthing of "Montana Cowgirl" in its place. I should start by saying, the post I am about to pick apart, is from almost a week ago. But it is just so crazy, so desperate, so cheap, I had to address it. The said post goes like this, and this is an exact quote,

"When the likes of Steve Daines and other young conservatives were excitedly and breathlessly proclaiming the need to invade Iraq in 2003, people like John Walsh were dutifully donning their uniforms, grabbing their weapons, and making their way over to the desert to do the fighting, to watch their comrades die, to kill people, for a dubious cause and for roughly a trillion dollar price tag."

Okay, where on this planet, or any other do I start? First of all, what Montana Cowgirl needs to realize is Steve Daines was not even in office in 2003. In fact, he wouldn't even run for another four years! Now, it can be argued that she meant conservatives like Daines. But why mention Daines? Steve Daines stood against intervention in Syria. To which I might add, Senator Tester followed in opposing Obama's plan for intervention. But, I could be wrong, maybe she\he doesn't see it that way. Nevertheless, she\he seems to be suggesting that conservatives don't care about those brave men and women who fight and\or die in Iraq, which a very despicable claim. Anyone around me could testify, I have never said that ANY liberal politician (take your pick, Obama, Clinton, Schumer), doesn't care about our military in the event of a ground war in Syria, resulting from intervention there. Let there be no doubt, I do not support the Iraq war, and if I had been in the Congress I would have staunchly stood against it. But to suggest that any politician didn't care about our troops? Shameful, and I think Montana Cowgirl needs to apologize, and get her facts straight. It's just another desperate liberal attack on Congressman- Oops I'm sorry, I mean Senator-elect Daines.

 That's how I see it

~Montana Wacko Birds

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